Porodična kuća u Delftu: uspešan spoj modernog i retro stila u uređenju enterijera
Porodična kuća u Holandiji harmoničan je stilski spoj modernog dizajna i retro detalja. Zahvaljujući ljubaznosti Holly Marder iz Holandije, autorke bloga Avenue Lifestyle (http://www.avenuelifestyle.com/), prenosimo priču o tome kako je ovaj originalni dom nastao.
A family house in the Netherlands is harmonious style mixture of retro details and contemporary design. Thanks to courtesy of Holly Marder, author of the blog Avenue Lifestyle (http://www.avenuelifestyle.com/), here is the presentation of wonderful home.
Ovo je jedan od mojih najzanimljivijih priloga koji sam radila za decor8 i doslovno jedan od najinteresantnije osveženih domova u kojem sam bila, sa svojom čistom eklektičnom mešavinom komada u retro i vintage stilu, naglašenih kolorita kojima ipak vlada smirujuća paleta. Nije jednostavno uneti tako mnogo vintage komada u jedan prostor, ali vlasnica doma Guilda, šarmantna Portugalka koja deli svoj dom na obali mora sa suprugom Holanđaninom i svoja dva sina, je učinila pravu stvar. Pronašla je balans između starog i novog, naročito u kuhinji a da pri tome nije narušila svoj sofisticirani stil. Na moju sreću, ona živi blizu mene tako da sam mogla u svako doba da banem radi strilizacije. Zapravo zagledala sam se u njen prozor više puta na mom putu do grada, a kada sam konačno pokucala na vrata bila sam odušeljena što je stan bio tako lep iznutra, koliko je to izgledalo spolja.
So I thought it was time for another Inside Scoop and show you through this home I photographed for my decor8 column a couple months back. Literally, this is one of the most interesting and refreshing homes I have been inside with it’s eclectic but clean mix of retro and vintage pieces; bold lashings of colour throughout yet a calming palette resonates. It’s not easy to pull off this much vintage in one space but homeowner Guida, a delightful Portuguese woman sharing her waterfront home with her Dutch husband and two sons, gets it right. She strikes the perfect balance between old and new, throwing in the kitsch but not at the detriment to her sleek and sophisticated sense of style. And lucky for me, she lives a stone’s throw from my place so I get to pop in a marvel at her stylish sensibilities pretty much any time I want. In fact, that’s how I discovered her home, through peeking through her windows on my way into town pretty much daily for about a year! When I finally rang the doorbell, I was so glad I did. I was delighted to see that it was just as lovely from the inside as it was from the curb. Here’s the scoop!
Guida i njen suprug Bas kupili su stan u kući iz daleke 1900. godine – opčinjeni su prostorom, blizinom obale i blizinom njihovog grada Delfta. Bilo je potrebno malo intervenisati da bi dom dobio na toplini, pa su uklonili prethodni zid kako bi oslobodili bolji prodor svetlosti i dobili širi prostor u dnevnom boravku i trpezariji, a potom su na gorenjm spratu i stepeništu sredili podove i naneli novi premaz.
Guida and her husband Bas bought this home, which dates back to the early 1900s after falling for the space, beautiful water views and close proximity to their home town of Delft, The Netherlands. Little was needed little to make it feel like home, though the couple broke through one of the walls to create a light and spacious open living and dining area and removed tired carpeting from the upper floors and stairs, giving them a fresh coat of paint.
Inspirisana harmoničnim spojevima modernog i vintage, Guida je ispunila svoj dom pravim blagom. “Volim stare i zaboravljene komade, koliko i novi dizajn”, kaže Guda. “Sviđa mi se ideja da se takvim predmetima udahne život i da se oni koriste, odnosno da se živi sa njihoviim pričama koje nose”. Guida redovno obilazi buvljake, vintage radnje i butike savremenog dizajna u potrazi za onim komadima koji njenom domu daju nostalgičan ton. “Uživam da tražim i otkrivam, baš kao što sam pronašla ovu zelenu vazu!” Ona inspiraciju pronazali u magazinima i na blogovima, ali ne sledi neki poseban stil, već odvaja komade za koje smatra da može da ih dobro uklopi.
Inspired by the thrill of the chase and the harmonious connection between vintage and modern, Guida fills her home with treasures both old and new. “I love both old “forgotten” pieces as well as new design,” Guida says. “I love the idea of giving new life to objects and living with them and their stories.” Guida regularly hits the antique markets, vintage shops and small interior design boutiques in search of pieces that will add character and a sense of nostalgia to her home. “I just love searching for something in particular and that feeling of suddenly discovering, amongst all other things, that little special green vase!” Guida draws her inspiration from interiors magazines and blogs, but doesn’t decorate according to a specific style, rather selecting pieces that make an instant connection.
Jedan od omiljeih komada je vitrina-polica Piet Hein Eek koja je bila dobar “ulov” sa jedne pijace i koji sada lepo služi kao dodatni prostor za odlaganje u kuhinji. Pored vitrine su vintage kolica na kojima je izložena kolekcija vaza koje ona sama pravi ili su kupuje. Iznad je vedri print koji služi da oboji kutak.
Some of the couple’s favourite pieces include the Piet Hein Eek vitrine cupboard, a lucky find on Marktplaats that is home to serve ware and extra storage space that the adjacent kitchen was unable to provide. Beside the vitrine, a vintage drinks trolley is used to display a collection of self made and vintage ceramic vases in shades of cream and blush. Above it, a vibrant screen printed painting in lashings of bold colour.
Kuhinja čiju poziciju je odredio prethodni vlasnik, ima potpuno novi izgled. Gudia je izabrala bordo nijansu i oboji zidove i plafon što je rezultiralo izuzetnim efektom. “Kada smo ovo radili pratili smo Boardwalk Empire sa prelepim scenografijama i ta paleta nas je inspirisala pa smo počeli da razmišljamo o različitim bojama i kombinacijama. To još uvek činim”.
The kitchen – put in place by the property’s former owners – was given an exciting new look last summer. Guida chose a Bordeaux red, painting the cupboards, ceiling and walls to a very pleasing result. “At that time we were watching Boardwalk Empire which has beautiful scenarios with inspiring colour palettes and I started to imagine the house in all various different colour combinations. I’m still doing it!”
Trpezarijski sto, stolice (tapcirane intenzivnom zelenom, meblom iz firme kvadrat) i drvena visilica su poručeni u omiljenom salonu u Hagu, Edwin Pelser. Vintage ćilim donet je iz Marakeša. Dnevni boravak je dekorisan predmetima iz vintage radnji širom Holandije.
The dining table, chairs (upholstered in vibrant green fabric from kvadrat) and wooden pendant were purchased at Edwin Pelser, a favourite interiors boutique in the Hague. The vintage kilim rug was brought back from a holiday in Marrakech. The living room is decorated with items purchased at various vintage shops throughout Holland.

Mnoge od ovih komada vlasnica je našla u radnjama, na buvljacima i putem interneta. “Potraga zahteva vreme i strpljenje, to je kao potraga za blagom. Moja je pasija da pronalazim predmete koji će kod nas ostati godinama.” Od kolekcija zemljanih vaza do eklektičnih umetničkih dela i nostalgične rasvete, Guida pronalazi zadovoljstvo.
Many of the pieces in our home have been found around in shops, markets and internet. “You have to give it time, patience and dedicate a lot of time to the search,” Guida says. “I love the search, it’s like a treasure hunt. It’s a passion of mine to find pieces that will stay with us for years to come.” From collections of quirky earthenware vases to eclectic artworks and nostalgic lighting, Guida clearly has fun filling her home with items that are dear to her heart.

Sa oštrim okom za vintage i osećajem da se uskladi dizajn različitih stilskih epoha, Guida je pronašla svoj užitak u opremanju. “ Suština je da se u prostoru okružite predmetima u kojima uživate, za mene ovaj dom ima svoj život, on je kao živo biće, menja se i stari sa nama”.
With an acute eye for vintage and an innate ability to weave decades of design styles together, decorating her home has been an absolute joy for Guida. “It’s about creating a space surrounded with things we love. For me, the house lives with us. It’s like a living creature because it changes and gets old with all of us. “
Kuaptilo na spratu u je istovremeno staro i novo, balansirano u okeržutim i crvenim tonovima. Kada je reč o toniranju, Guida uvek traži savršenu paleteu za naglašavanje.
The bedrooms upstairs combine old and new, with deep red hues balanced with ocher yellows making a comeback in the upper floor. Though bold with colour, Guida is nothing if not consistent, carrying her preferred palette throughout.
Na ulazu portugalske pločice stoje u kontrastu sa belim zidovima, i prate ostatak stila ove kuće u koju se ulazi na vrata sa staklenim ispunama.
Back at the entrance, Portuguese tiles contrast with clean white walls, setting the style tone to the rest of the house beyond a wide, glass-panelled door.
Tekst, foto: i styling: Holly Marder | Avenue Lifestyle